Marie Sklodowska-Curie AwardPresented annually to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of women in radiology/radiation oncology. | Alice Ettinger Distinguished Achievement AwardRecognizes lifetime achievement and lasting contribution to the American Association for Women in Radiology and to the radiology/radiation oncology profession. Application Closed |
Lucy Frank Squire Distinguished Resident AwardRecognizes outstanding contributions in clinical care and scholarship. The nominees must be a member of the AAWR and must be in residency training at the time of the award. Application Closed | Eleanor Montague Distinguished Resident Award in RadiationRecognizes outstanding contributions to radiology or the AAWR, community involvement, service during residency, or research endeavors. Application Closed |
Member-in-Training Awards for Outstanding RSNA PresentationsApplication Closed | Member-in-Training Awards for Outstanding ASTRO PresentationsApplication Closed |
Women in Neuroradiology Leadership Award
The Foundation of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR), American College of Radiology (ACR), and American Association for Women in Radiology (AAWR) have established an award to provide leadership opportunities for women in neuroradiology. This award is for mid-career women with demonstrated experience and promise for leadership in neuroradiology and/or radiology overall. The objectives are to provide the awardee with additional skills and insights to enhance opportunities for advancement. Application Closed | AAWR RLI Leadership Summit Award: The Dr. Katherine A. Shaffer AwardAn integral part of the AAWR mission is to offer members opportunities for training, mentorship, and recognition of achievements. The award offers one scholarship each year for an AAWR member to attend the well-renowned ACR Radiology Leadership Institute (RLI) Leadership Summit. Application Closed |
AAWR RLI Leadership Summit Award: SAMIR B. PATEL M.D AND FAMILY SCHOLARSHIPSamir B Patel M.D. and Family RLI Summit Scholarship offers three scholarships each year for an early career and or mid-career woman radiologist or radiation oncologist to attend the well-renowned ACR (Radiology Leadership Institute (RLI) Leadership Summit. Application Closed |
ASFNR/AAWR Carolyn C. Meltzer Joint AwardThe American Society of Functional Neuroradiology (ASFNR) and the American Association for Women in Radiology (AAWR) are very proud to announce a new joint award entitled the ASFNR-AAWR “Carolyn C. Meltzer” Joint Award. This award aims to increase the number of women in radiology engaged in the field of functional neuroradiology. The Award is open both to faculty and trainees. ASNFR and/or AAWR membership are encouraged, but not a requirement. The ASFNR-AAWR “Carolyn C. Meltzer” Joint Award offers one scholarship every other year for the awardee to attend two consecutive ASFNR Annual Meetings: one when the scholarship is awarded and the other the following year. The scholarship consists of a cash price of $8,000 to cover travel and hotel accommodations, as well as to defray the project costs. The awardee will also receive free registration for the two ASFNR Annual Meetings (2022 and 2023) and a free ASFNR membership for two years (2022 and 2023). Application Closed | NEW! ARLEO Advocacy Award (A4)The Arleo Advocacy Award recognizes an AAWR member who has shown excellence in advocacy, defined by the Merriam -Webster dictionary as "the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal". The awardee will be expected to write a short article for the AAWR Focus Newsletter about their advocacy on behalf of the AAWR and/or women in radiology and radiation oncology. |