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On November 26, 2006 the AAWR celebrated its 25th Anniversary. This momentous event took place in the Lacquer Room of the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, during the 2006 RSNA Annual Meeting.

Meet the Past Presidents of AAWR participating in the event.

Celebrating 25 years of AAWR: Supporting Women’s Successful Careers in Radiology through a “Tempered Radical” approach.

By Carol M. Rumack, MD, FACR

Read The Article

One of the highlights of the celebrations was the one-woman show entitled,
"Manya – A Living History of Marie Curie", presented by Susan Marie Frontczak of "StorySmith".

AAWR with Marie Curie (sitting Susan Marie Frontczak) from left: Ewa Kuligowska MD, Katarzyna Macura MD, PhD, Julia Fielding MD, Nancy Ellerbroek MD, Carol Rumack MD

In this inspirational and educational performance documenting the personal and professional life of Madame Marie Slodowska-Curie, we learned about the work and struggles that Marie Curie faced along the way to her ground-breaking discovery of radioactivity.

2501 Jolly Rd Ste. 110
Okemos, MI 48864

Phone: (517) 657-7883
Email: info@aawr.org

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