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View AAWR's Bylaws

Last amended in 2020


Strategic Plan

Environmental Assessment

Changes in the practice of radiology necessitate that women radiologists, radiation oncologists, and related professionals acquire and refine leadership and other non-interpretative skills; expand networking and mentoring activities; work towards eliminating gender bias; and achieve equality in the work place. The American Association for Women Radiologist is uniquely positioned to offer its members educational programs and networking capabilities that will enhance their personal and professional lives. With decreasing revenues and with the numerous organizations and activities that compete for member's time and money, the American Association for Women Radiologists must focus its resources and its efforts on delivering services that benefit its diverse membership.


Goal 1. — To advance the professional and academic standing of our members

  • Offer programs to develop and improve leadership, publication and negotiation skills
  • Establish a liaison with the AAMC to research salary equity
  • Ensure that programs meet the diverse needs of our members

Goal 2. — To identify and to address gender-unique issues

  • Evaluate and expand children's programs at national meetings
  • Address employment issues, including part-time employment, pregnancy, and maternity leave
  • Refine programs for recognition of outstanding achievement

Goal 3. — To increase and retain active members

  • Expand programs for members-in-training
  • Explore international membership and appropriate dues structure
  • Refine and publish guidelines for the mentoring program

Goal 4. — To improve visibility and communication

  • Update and expand AAWR website
  • Streamline the FOCUS publication process
  • Promote and publicize programs at national meetings
  • Consider making website available to international professionals
  • Consider securing a booth at the European Congress of Radiology
  • Broaden networking opportunities at meetings and on the Internet

Goal 5. — To increase AAWR administrative effectiveness

  • Review committee structure and function
  • Update bylaws in accordance with the strategic plan
  • Make Focus and AAWR software compatible
  • Review, update, and distribute the AAWR and committee timelines

2501 Jolly Rd Ste. 110
Okemos, MI 48864

Phone: (517) 657-7883
Email: info@aawr.org

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